By the way, The world is changing more and more quickly, isn't it? Let's face the fact, guys :)
Now, i want to tell you story about how i first talked about local culture to japanese tourists. When i was in senior high school, I visited Tenganan Village with my classmate. Tenganan Village is one of the oldest Balinese traditional located in Karangasem, East part of Bali. Visitors will feel comfortable when visiting this area, for some
facilities are available here, like food stalls, good toilets, arts
shops and a quite large parking area. As a result, many tourists come to Tenganan Village every year. 今日、私は始めた時に日本人観光客と話すことについて書きたいと思っております。高校生の時、私は友達と一緒にTengananVillageに行きました。Tenganan Village はバリの伝統的な村です。Karangasem にいます。毎年、多くの観光客がこの村に来る。
It just amazing to see how a place could tell you a lot of history. After a few hours of exploring Tenganan Village, finally we got tired and decided to back to the bus. Everyone turned around and came back to where they started. It was fun! On the way back to the bus, we met two Japanase tourists, they are a married couple. We talked a lot about the cultures in Tenganan Village. They could not Indonesian, then we used Japanese. Yeyeye... I've been longing for this opportunity for so long.. :) あそこで歴史があります。人々がたくさんいます。たのしかった。その時、私達は二人日本人に会いました。夫婦です。私達は色々なTengananの文化を話しました。夫婦はインドネシア語が分からないので、日本語で話しました。うれしかったよ。:)
We often come across Japanese tourists in this village.
Talk about the beauty of Tenganan Village, I''ve always been interested in handicraft, and these things about traditional handicraft is awesome. Tenganan village is the only village that today still produces geringsing. Geringsing is a textile created by the double ikat method in the Tenganan Pegeringsingan Village in Bali. This demanding technique is only known in three places, India, Japan
and Indonesia. In Indonesia it is only produced in
Tenganan. Tengananには手芸は趣味を通り越してプロに近い。Geringsing が一番有名な手芸です。作り方はまだ伝統的な方法です。とてもきれいです。この方法の名前はdouble ikatです。この方法はインド、日本、インドネシにあります。インドネシアにTengananだけで作ります。
The tourists wandered around the village. Some of them as well as local people come to the Tenganan for shopping. The people in this village, generally speaking, are kind to visitors. Therefore, visitors to Tenganan Village increase in number year by year. 観光客は村を次々に見てもとおった。地元の人だけでなく、観光客もその広場に買い物に訪れる。一般的に言って、この村の人は観光客に親切です。だから、その村への観光客は年々増えている。
Tenganan Village? うわ、観光客だらけ!
(Tenganan Village? Wow, it's swarming with tourists !)
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