Rabu, 10 April 2013

The Birth of Culture

Hello people! How’s your week? I’m really sorry for not blogging for so long, it’s been an exams month, so it’s kinda crazy month for me. But now I’m officially back and ready to tell about everything. :))

Crazy schedules is crazy! I’ve been busy the whole week, there’s some project which need my full attention. Oh how I miss holiday! No no no…  “love letters from lecturers has arrived” hahaha. I have read many books about the culture. One of the most inspiring book is a “Culture; Studi Kebudayaan” by Chris Jenks. Cool right!! I love that book so much and I know for sure you guys gonna love it too! Right??

Dear, people who are interested in culture. Now I’m going to write my opinion about the birth of culture. Not an article or paper. Just a simple inscription. :D


The Birth of Culture

Men and culture has a close relationship and cannot be separated. Culture is the product of men minds and culture of men that run it. Culture is the whole system of ideas, actions, and the work of humans in the context of a society that men have with learning.
Community as a place and culture as the content are two components attached to each other. Every society has a culture and every culture must be owned by the community. Culture is born from the people with learning. Men who have a new language can be said that civilized men. Men environment reflects and affects a culture. Beside environment, language is one universal element of culture. With language, men can deliver culture to the next generation. So that people can preserve a culture.
In relation to the environment, men life is an organism (living organism). The establishment of a private person affected by the environment even in the extreme can be said, every person comes from an environment, both vertical (genetics, tradition) and horizontal environment (geographic, physical, social).
Men and culture is one bond that cannot be separated in this life. Men as God's most perfect creatures create their own culture and preserve it. Environment is a place where men run their culture and it also gives characteristics to the culture of  a community.
Men are living organisms who cannot be separated from an environment affect. Therefore men must adapt with their environment. It is also environment which affects the way of men thinking so that it makes they can behave in the adaptation process. From that process, a culture is created.
          The nation of Indonesia, Malaysia, America, Europe, and the other nations have one culture (it means, culture is universal). But every culture has special characteristics correspond with each of culture background. For example although all nations need clothes, house, and food, but the shapes are different.

What do you think ? 

Ok right it's midnight already and like it or not I should go back to my homework, Kajian Bahasa Jepang. Ulalalaaa so busy busy boring boring night. But, I'll survive. Wish me luck, pray for me if you kind enough :) See you on next post. じゃ、また。

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